I know I have been neglecting this poor old blog terribly. If I have said it once I know I have said it many times, “I do want to write more regularly!” I love to write and it acts as a lovely journal for us to look back on as a family. Sadly the past year or so has been poorly documented.
My struggle has been feeling the need to get it all done. I haven’t felt right about taking time to write, edit pictures, etc. when I am falling behind in taking care of our family. Do you remember way back in January our desire to minimize?? Well I am making huge strides but it is taking far longer than I expected. The nice part is that as each room gets attacked organized, they become so much easier to maintain. I am shocked at the amount of stuff we have been able to give away and yet we still have a house with… probably more than we need. It is an ongoing process.
Not sure what is like for everyone else but in our neck of the woods it is HOT! Oh, I know it is not desert conditions but considering that we deal with crazy temperatures in the winter what we are dealing with right now we have every right to call hot. My guess is few places deal with such a huge fluctuation in temperatures from our brutal cold winters to the humid heat in the summer. If nothing else we have variety!
A friend gave me a great idea for a treat for the kids for tonight! Our garden has been just overflowing with strawberries this year, yum! So I took a casserole dish layered it with strawberries, put vanilla ice cream on top and then with strawberries made the Canadian flag. Fantastic idea right? Well… when it is over 29 degrees in the house (84.2 F) (that is not including a humidex and yes it is much hotter outside), well the ice cream starts melting and fast, the berries started sinking. Umm, my beautiful Maple Leaf began to look more like a blob. Not to mention the one in the picture (Pinterest sigh) had beautifully pointed berries and ours are more plump than pointy. Well lets just say it won’t win any awards.
As you can see we took the opportunity to take a few pictures of the family. So hard to get a good picture of all the kids. I have a few children, I won’t mention any names who prefer not to have their pictures taken so it is always a challenge to get a good shot. This picture of my two girls might have been great if it had not been for the wind.
Had to take another …
Last year I did not post one garden or homestead update, much to Dave’s chagrin. Here we are in July and once again I have not written anything on the various chickens that we have added this year including meat birds, the ever-expanding garden etc. Dave and I have decided it might be fun to work on writing a few posts together so look for those in the near future!Just for fun Taliah took a picture of Dave and I… rare I know.
Hope you all had a wonderful Canada Day, and just incase I am not back on here in time… To my friends to the South have a wonderful Independence Day on the 4th!