Hi Everyone!
I have been struggling with the idea of blogging lately. With the exception of fulfilling my obligation of a book review yesterday I really haven’t written much lately. Personally, I love blogging it is one of the ways I process my world, so to speak. (Hence making a post out of this.)
Lately however, I have been wrestling with the whole idea of blogging. Things with Joel seem to be moving to a new phase, ‘intense rehab.’ I feel an obligation to write about him, but sadly the recovery side of things is a long slow road.
I also have a confession to make I have sort been sucked into the blog world, “Hmm, look at that blog she has 200 followers, that one has 500 and she has 2000.” I feel like I am back in high school desperately wanting to be one of the cool girls. I have toyed with the idea of joining facebook and twitter to increase traffic. I know how to increase followers and traffic, I could join in regularly on various blog hops, do guest posts, and jump on the follow me and I’ll follow you band wagon. I could advertise and do more reviews etc. That said there is nothing wrong with blog hops and facebook etc. It is just I know that is not why I started blogging.
Here is my very first post, short and sweet;
Well, I may be on the Old Path but this is definitely uncharted territory. I have wanted to blog for a long time as away to keep in touch with friends and family, and to share the ups and downs of our journey. I have been encouraged and challenged by reading other blogs. I have no idea if this blog will ever be anything more than just the musings of a girl and the crazy antics of the family that bless her daily. If you are blessed by this blog, well, then that is more than I could have hoped for!
…and that is how things began. It covered our move to our own little want to be Homestead, all our dreams for this place. It has followed the kids as they grow learn and discover, and then in the end of March 2010 Joel hijacked our family blog. None of us saw it coming, sure we’d noticed his headaches and how they had increased in frequency. What an incredible blessing this blog was to our family as we went through the hardest thing we have ever faced. (Joel’s cancer) You all helped to encourage us and hold us up with your prayers and for that I am grateful beyond words.
Somewhere in all this I feel I have lost sight of why I started blogging. What is the point? Should I continue on with it or is it just pulling me away from the things that matter the most. I may need to step back and think and pray these things through. I do value the friendships I have made through blogging and I will post Joel’s MRI results when I get them next week… but I need to sort out what and why I should blog.
