I have a wireless connection, so I am going to run with it!!!!
Joel had a fantastic weekend. We did a little shopping and then hung out at home; we watched movies and played. On Sunday we were incredibly blessed by my parents church, who hosted a luncheon in Joel’s honor. It was a wonderful time spent with friends and family. I would like to thank all who were involved with organizing the luncheon, all those who prepared food, and of course, all who came out and shared the day with us.
Today was not fantastic at all. Today was a hard one for Joel. I think he was tired from the weekend, and then he had radiation and chemo today. He didn’t really leave his wheelchair at all today. He has been complaining of a tummy ache, and the Oncologist thinks it is heartburn, so she prescribed yet another med. Joel does not like the taste of it either. He has also decided he doesn’t want to eat; I tried everything short of standing on my head to get him to eat. For those of you who consider yourselves to be health nuts, you would have cringed at the things I offered him today.
I am concerned if this persists… I am told weight loss is common with children with Joel’s type of tumor and treatment. Please pray for Joel’s appetite to return.
On a good note, we are moving! Currently we are staying on the second floor of Ronald McDonald House and Joel has to crawl up the stairs, as there is no elevator. Tomorrow, we are moving to a room downstairs. I won’t have my muscle man here tomorrow; Dave has helped me with most of the moves we have had since we have been in the hospital, thankfully it isn’t too far. Another perk is that our new room will have a TV, which is great for passing the time on rainy days. The downside to moving… I have to get packing. Between Joel’s radiation and his speech therapy tomorrow I won’t have much packing time so I had better get to it tonight.
