This is a side profile, sort of, of our house. The back part of the house is the old summer kitchen which is still a work in progress.
And after!
The next room gave us the most trouble, it had this wall paper that was also in the main floor hallway up the stairs and in the upstairs hallway which for
us was overkill.
That would be mold under the window soo… Dave pulled that out and any lose plaster and then drywalled the whole wall.
This is our homeschool room which I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have a room for school.
Moving upstairs here is our huge bathroom I have
never had a bathroom so big we are unsure if we will leave this as a bathroom or not it was a bedroom that was converted into a bathroom we may one day convert it back but that is very down the road.
never had a bathroom so big we are unsure if we will leave this as a bathroom or not it was a bedroom that was converted into a bathroom we may one day convert it back but that is very down the road.
Here is the barn it is as old as the house 124 years and still going!
This is a shot standing by the road.
This is on the right side of the house but in the back
This is also behind the house the kids spent all day gathering the rocks for their fire pit.
Some of our neighbors…

We are hoping to add to the fruit in the years to come but we have some apple trees that have been let go so I think Dave and I will be reading up on how to care for apple trees this winter any advise would be welcome!!!
And our grapes are looking like they are coming along too!
This last picture is the original entrance to the property and makes me think of “The Old Path ” hmm how fitting.

Finally some pictures of the house. Sorry it took me so long to get them to you again thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers through this move!!
Finally some pictures of the house. Sorry it took me so long to get them to you again thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers through this move!!
