So way back when I first started dating Dave people would say to him, “Hey has anyone anyone ever told you you look like Wayne Gretzky?” Just the other day we were applying for insurance and the lady said, I just have to say you look like Wayne Gretzky which got me to thinking about posting about this for fun. Unfortunately I just realized I do not have very many pictures of Dave I am going to have to work on remedying that. I also need to figure out how to scan a picture of him. High school pictures with hockey hair too funny!!!

So what do you think I wanted Dave to try and copy Wayne’s facial expression and take pictures to make comparisons but he did not go for that.
It turns out Dave is not the only one in this family who resembles some one famous… our Joshua and the Royal Prince Harry…

So what do you think I wanted Dave to try and copy Wayne’s facial expression and take pictures to make comparisons but he did not go for that.
It turns out Dave is not the only one in this family who resembles some one famous… our Joshua and the Royal Prince Harry…
And we even have someone who resembles, I can’t believe it’s not butter, Fabio…
