I was just saying the other day how time marches on and I was looking at my girls thinking how much they have changed in the past year. Taliah has been riding for a while now and is enjoying every minute of it. She has loved horses for along time and it is so neat to watch her learn to ride and take care of them. I took my camera to her last lesson. Here she is with Davinci.
This next picture is of her working hard and concentrating on the task at hand. Which is no small feat for my dreamer.After a hard work out both rider and noble steed are exhausted.
A little pep talk and it is off to untack and groom some more, and of course an apple!
She is growing up way too fast!!!
As for little Hannah she has some big news to share too. She has said good bye to her crib and Hello to her toddler bed. Hannah is the youngest of five and this is our first toddler bed. They had always seemed a little redundant to me: I always figured it made more sense to move them to a ‘big’ bed. However, right now we just don’t have the space for a normal size bed so we embraced the toddler bed.
And I must say Hannah thinks it is great! She still likes to sleep on the couch though.
