Okay, so we are all down for the count. All five kids have it, Dave and I, and Gramma and Biba have it too! Uncle Kyle is the last man standing. He is beginning to wonder if he is the ‘carrier’ of the ‘sickness’:) My fever reared it’s ugly head again but didn’t last as long this time. I decided to pull a mattress out and put most of the kids on it and Elijah on the couch in the same room so it would be easier to rest and keep an eye on everyone. Here are Joel, Joshua, Hannah and Taliah.And here is Elijah on his couch, throughout the day different kids took turns on the couch but for the most part it was dominated by Elijah.Dave came in and crashed, poor guy was at work and when it hits it sucks the energy right out of you so he was glad to make it home and climb into bed. The last 2 days have been survival mode, nothing other then the basics has been accomplished. Lots of resting and trying to keep the kids drinking. I am always worrying about dehydration when they are sick. Of course, as you can see a few pictures being snapped, I am not sure what it says about me that while sick with a fever I continue to take pictures and worst yet, pictures of my sick family hmm?!?
I am trying to think of something fun to do when everyone is feeling better. Maybe the weather will co-operate and we will be able to do something outside. Feel free to keep us in your prayers and hopefully we will all be back in the swing of things soon. I thought I would share this picture too as it was so cute.She crawled up by Daddy all by herself. (Well she had help getting on the bed but the snuggling was all her idea.)
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